miércoles, 30 de enero de 2013

Time to sort my life out

New Year's resolutions in themselves seem to be going pretty well...buuuut my blog in 2013...not so much. So this is me saying that I am going to make more of an effort to at least update this regularly!

A few updates for you: the past few weeks have whizzed by. I've began to settle back into my life here, I've popped home for a couple of days to see my fam and play in the snow, had Tommy to visit, been reunited with my friend from home Kaisha, and I've met lots of lovely people. All in all, I would say that it's been pretty successful and I've been having a grrreat time!

That's all I can be arsed to write at the moment, but hopefully I'll have a lot more to say soon.
Hope you're all good

Catherine x

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