domingo, 28 de octubre de 2012

A week of firsts...

It has to be said that I have had quite an eventful week this week. We have been here a month now, and it's really starting to sink in that I'm not just here on holiday anymore, I'm here to stay. But I can't say that's a bad thing. I really do love Vigo, and have so far enjoyed (nearly) every minute.

Some new experiences for this week:
1) Spanish doctors. I wasn't feeling too great, so braved it on Wednesday evening to the health centre behind our appartment. I was actually surprised that they saw me straight away, and despite the mountain of forms I had to fill in, I was sorted within an hour, and on my way to the pharmacy for the antibiotics that everyone had warned me were quite big... slight understatement! 

2) Getting my purse stolen. Definitely the downer of the week. I tried to cheer myself up going shopping, and came back minus my purse. I think only I could have my purse stolen and not realise until the next day... So needless to say I was completely gutted. Bye bye bank cards, bye bye driving licence, student card and NIE, bye bye English sim card....hello police station.

The Only One: Perfect ending to a night out

3) Ordering a double wine in a bar. Not really sure why we thought this was a good idea...evidently a normal sized glass of wine wasn't enough. So when the barman just gave up and handed us the whole bottle, we knew it was all going to go downhill from there.

Despite Friday being my worst day since I've been here, and many tears being shed (embarrassing I know), it was also my best night out with some lovely people. I definitely could never say that life in Vigo is dull, and I cannot wait for what else it has in store for me (hopefully it doesn't involve anything else being stolen...)! 

Chilling with the Americanas

Cannot wait for the next week... 2 days at work and then heading to Barcelona for the long weekend to see my favourite Yorkshire girl. Undoubtedly there will be some goss for you all next week. 

Catherine x 

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